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Since the last entry the Police Chief was fired. The reason remains a mystery but his exist contract is available through city records. A new Police Chief and an additional officer has been hired. Both are minority which does not seen to be a problem in this city.

In Bartlett there is a great deal of discussion over how the city is run, but with any democratic society the citizens elect the officials to run the city. Those officials will hire employees to run city offices,  keep the city going, but pay salaries based on the cities budget and contract negotiations. So when citizens go to the polls to vote for Mayor and city council, they are also voting for that person's indiscriminate use of the city budget, hiring practices and views for  moving the city forward or not. I do  not mean that in a bad way. It is the right and responsibility of the elected officials to run the city.

There are three small cities clustered together in the area where I live. Holland, Bartlett, and Granger.

Holland Texas:  1100+ residents  Mayor receives no salary.  There is no City Administrator

Bartlett Texas: 1623 residents    Mayor  Part time $350.00m  City Administrator 78,000.00+ benefits

Granger Texas: 1400+ residents Mayor $2,400.00+m no benefits City Admin 48,000.00+m+benefits

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