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About me

Greetings my fellow Bartlett Texas citizens. Before I discuss the purpose of this blog allow me to introduce myself.
My name is Ramona (Mona) Smith Hall. I live here in Bartlett with my husband Curtis and son Morgan.   We moved to Bartlett in February 2014. Both my husband and son are native Texans. I am  a Chicago native by birth but Texan by love. I have been in Texas since I was two years old and grew up in Houston. I spent 6 years in the Army and 27years in Federal Government service.  During my military time and services to the Federal government I had the opportunity to live in Europe and travel/live  in  20 of the 50 states often times in multiple cities. I am a mental health Nurse by profession with  a board certification in Psychiatric mental health nursing. I am a strong advocate for the rights of workers, and served as an AFGE union steward as well as the Chief union steward during my  21years as government employee. I am currently retired from government services and researching opportunities to use my expertise as a Nurse. My husband Curtis is also a VA Nurse. He spent 11 years on Active duty split between the Army and the Navy. Curtis spent most of his military time in the Orient and Fort Bragg N.C. The one resounding thing about him is he is REALLY one of the nicest people you will meet. He has that small town county boy persona and it works well for him. He is truly laid back and  content. We have two daughters, two  son in laws and three grandchildren, all in Houston. We have a very large extended family with frequent visitors. Our son Morgan attends High school in Belton. He was selected  for the program at Belton's New Tech high school which is all AP classes except math.

Purpose: listed under the purpose tab.

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