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Bartlett Texas has a very rich history. I am told during the 1960's HWY 95 which includes Bartlett, Holland ,Granger and Taylor was a main area of travel for the LBJ entourage. There are a great many stories surrounding those travel days but I will investigate some of the stories before I print them. The Gersbach -Wacker building I live in was the scene of a famous movie, The Stars fell over Henrietta. The building itself has changed hands, and interior many times since it was built as the last  building on the corner in 1907. 244 E Clark is made up of two separate buildings built at different times. The original building was 238  E. Clark 244 was built later around 1907. The two buildings share a brick wall with no other spaces between them. The Gersbach Wacker company building  around 1907-1910 became the building you now see in Bartlett. The building comprises both 238 and 244 E Clark but 238 is a dormant address not used anywhere in city records.

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