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Question: Why are Bartlett Citizens not voting in the local elections?

Situation: Poor voter Turn out in Bartlett Texas
Background: Elections for 2010, 2012 and 2014 shows very poor voter turn out
Assessment: complaints from Citizens/ issues that affect their community but voter turn out is poor.
Recommendation: Find out why their is such a poor voter turn out

10/5/2014: Gathering information


What can we do as citizens of Bartlett to being people to our community. To live or just for a day of shopping?

Situation: Few shops, attrition of residence, and limited availability of goods and resources.
Background: Bartlett was once a thriving city with many open businesses and goods/services were in the community.
Assessment: verbal accounts of the city from previous or current residents,  and literature searches
Recommendation: Pose the question to Bartlett citizens.

Question: How does a group of concerned citizens get items placed on the agenda for discussion
 Situation: there are many issues in Bartlett that citizens are concerned about that are not discussed during the Town Hall meetings based on my research.
Background: Citizens complaints about issues are unheard by a City government they elected
Assessment/Data Collection: Will ask City Hall
Recommendation: Citizens should approach elected officials with concerns. If there concerns are not brought to the meeting those officials should be impeached or not voted back in

Will the citizens of Bartlett agree to a  animal registration fee .
Situation: Current ordinance for animal control is loosely enforced because the city does not have a place to house/hold animals, they cannot determine if the animal is stray or owned, and there is no way of contacting the owner if the animal has no tags. Also owner cannot be held responsible for the actions of their pet if the pet is not registered/claimed.
Background. Several citizens have been attacked by animals. The issue of strays is a problem.
Assessment: Bartlett is a pet friendly town. However unknown animals can be a danger as their health is not known.  Revenue from  pet registration could be used with some surplus city funds to house animals until a disposition could be made and to train a volunteer animal control officer.
Recommendation: Citizens approach Council members  and ask them to have this  concern added to the agenda.

in the upcoming election what would the citizens of Bartlett like to hear from the candidates?

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