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Facts -Vs-Rumor

Rumor: Bartlett' budget is not in compliance with what the citizens want.
                   A: City administrator paid far more than the salary of a neighboring larger city and the job of city administrator has not ever been reposted.

Fact: I have not seen the actual salary of the current administrator, but in an interview with  previous city council member , Mr. Hill the cities administrator does make more than neighboring towns without additional qualifications. There is no reason to repost a position that an employee in it. If that employee leaves then the position is reposted.

1.The city administrator is a crook and should not have been hired  to be over funds and administration of the city.
2.There is a problem getting  open records on Anything from the city.
3.Follow the money and you will find corruption
4. Chris Hill gave utility vouchers to select Bartlett citizens.RESOLVED
5. City services are inadequate while city workers continue to get raises
6. During town hall meetings the City Council or the Mayor  will "shut you down" That is why no one attends the meeting.
7. Council woman B. Sandoval is disrespected and made to look stupid during the town hall meetings
8. Council woman B. Sandoval is often the only dissenting vote
9. Town Hall meetings have a  Good ole boy feel and nothing gets done to benefit the citizens.
10.There is no way with this current administration for citizens to get their concerns on the town hall agenda.
11. The last Mayoral election was  rigged starting with no absentee voting, refusal of City Secretary to initiate proper paperwork for  absentee voting, City government taking over the meet the candidate forum and  problems with the voting machines on election day.
12. City contracts are given to friends of the City administrator  who reside out of the city.
13. City administrator has too much power.
14. The Mayor actually works for the City administrator.
15. The rights /needs of the citizens of Bartlett are secondary to the needs  of the Mayor, City administrator and the majority of the city council.
16. The owner of the local newspaper was told by the Mayor  at a town Hall meeting what not to print in the press.
17. City administrator has no compassion over the plight of Bartlett citizens and the everyday problems of the city because he lives in Jarrell.
18. A City employee was stealing electricity and services but  he was a relative of the City administrator so nothing was done. The whistleblower was fired?
19. What criteria was put in place to pick the first 5 residents for  the homes in the housing area?

24 MORE ITEMS but let us examine a few of these. I don't like rumors. It takes a significant amount of time to  gather facts. Once the facts are presented the rumor is either dispelled or explained.

Fact: Rumor # 2
Please read this news feed from the Temple Daily/ Dated  2013
Open records problem: Trouble securing public information is common gripe in Bartlett
BARTLETT — Fired last month as Bartlett’s public works director, Jason Talley walked into his appeal hearing Monday without, as he said, “the smoking gun.” The day after he was fired May 28 by Mayor Norris Ivy and City Administrator Chris Hill, Talley filed an open records request for his personnel file. The files held an 8-month-old performance evaluation, a crucial document that would support his claim he had been unjustly fired, he said.
“I’ve had many evaluations in many different years,” said Talley, a former McGregor assistant public works director. “And this was the best evaluation I’ve ever had.”
The case for upholding the termination was seemingly justifiable in the face of a detailed timeline, with supporting documentation, outlining poor management and presented to the Council.
But not giving an employee access to his personnel file, including his performance evaluation, before an appeal hearing was unjustifiable, some residents and a City Council member said, and only the latest tale of roadblocks in securing information at City Hall.
The City Council upheld the termination 3 to 2, a single vote between vindication and unemployment.
‘Not a proper way’
After the appeal hearing Monday, the Telegram placed nine phone calls over the course of two days to Bartlett City Hall. Only one call was answered, which ended when the city secretary abruptly hung up. Two phone messages and emails also went unanswered.
On a visit to City Hall on Thursday, a Telegram reporter who asked to view the city’s code of ordinances was told by City Secretary Laura Eckert she had no time to “babysit.”
Before providing the ordinances, Eckert asked why the reporter wanted the information — which is not required under the Texas Public Information Act — before standing over him while he viewed the documents.
Ivy, who ran on a platform of public accountability and has often been available for media interviews, apologized Thursday.
Ivy also apologized for the city’s not supplying Talley access to his personnel file. (Talley was provided the information on the last day of the 10-day window to satisfy an open records request).
“He probably should have had a copy of it,” Ivy said, adding he did not know Talley had requested his personnel file, only that he had filed an open records request.
Retrieving information or help from City Hall is often a headache, Bartlett resident James Eddins said.
“You go up there and (Hill’s) not there. You call him and he doesn’t answer,” Eddins said. “His famous last words are ‘Call me in the morning.’”
Hill said he spoke with Eddins twice and addressed the concern: “We’re trying to do what’s best for the people,” Hill said.
Bartlett City Council member Barbara Sandobal said she is frustrated with the difficulty in securing public information, such as financial records.
“I have to dig, and hunt and go find the stuff,” Sandobal said. “It’s just getting too much and too obvious that something’s going on.”
A defense
Elected mayor in a city with a history of public officials being removed from office for improprieties, Ivy said he understands the public’s distrust of City Hall, but slow responses in supplying information is not evidence of a conspiracy, he said.
The city has been inundated by open records requests from an Austin-based law firm since shortly after Hill was hired in December 2011, Ivy said.
The law firm previously represented Drayton McLane Jr. in a lawsuit filed against Hill in connection to his four years as a McLane employee.
The lawsuit has since been settled — “with no admission of guilt on my part,” Hill said — but the requests for documents continue to pour in, roughly one every six weeks, seeking 30 to 40 items, in a circle that has crippled a small staff, Hill and Ivy said.
An attorney for the firm Fritz, Byrne, Head & Harrison did not return a phone message Thursday.

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Rumor #4
Facts in progress
This issue is still under investigation. I agree with assisting residence with their utility bills IF the process is fair and all residents have knowledge of the process and the opportunity to benefit from a reduction in their bills. I was shocked to hear about this because if this is true and discrimination can be proved(if it can)why wasn't federal case initiated.?  Did citizens of African and Hispanic heritage benefit from this program( racial) were the elderly made aware of this program(age)?, were people with disabilities helped by this reduction in utility bills(disabled). If there were such deductions let us follow the paper work and the money to insure  ALL of Bartlett's citizens had an opportunity to benefit. Concerned citizens should request and demand records and answers.

After this was posted I spoke with a citizen of African American decent. He was one of the  citizens who benefitted from the utility reduction.

10/5/2014: Update on the 50% reduction in utilities given by Chris Hill. I have received an email with 40 names on it of people who received the reduction. The email includes all racial groups the elderly and citizens needing help with utilities.

Rumor # 6.
I attended my first city Hall Meeting last Monday. I was not familiar with the internal workings of the meeting but a fellow Bartlett citizen and City council helped me find my way. I did not feel I was shut down and had no ability to voice my concerns, ask questions or question an item on the agenda using the meeting's format. For more information on the Town/ City Hall meeting read this Blog under Local Politics, request the minutes from the City, or check the local newspaper. Also a citizen of Bartlett films the meetings at her own expense.

Rumor # 7 &8  deferred. Councilwoman Sandoval was absent

Rumor# 9
Dynamic of the  Town Hall meeting
Mayor: meeting initiator, easily visible, verbal, will explain items if asked
City Administrator; Sets to the side, right hand man role, loses diction towards the end of his sentences, not good at explain things.
C. Luna: said nothing only agreed.
C. Gunter: He was the bull dog of this meeting. He brought up several issues, answered several concerns it seemed at one time he would table an item but in the end he agreed  with  the rest of the city council.
C. Springston: Seems more of a voice of reason kind of guy. The older brother who is called in for advice.
C. Usom; Very nice man, but said nothing that had real substance.
City Secretary: Got her point across on one issue, but otherwise remained quite unless asked to speak
C O Police: Hmmmm. I like him but he does work for the Mayor. The Mayor's vision guides his enforcements. This is a common phenomenon.
Asst. Chief Vol. Fire Depart: Real Go Getter, You get the feeling he does what he does best and leave the rest alone.
Library Personnel: City employers....
Public Works Personnel (Absent)
Gayle Bielss: Tribune
Hand full of citizens who probably all had different ideas, but not enough numbers to actually make a difference on anything.

Citizens Please attend your town Hall meetings to see how your elected officials perform. Note if they are in fact adhering to the agenda you elected them on. See who is actually voting the way you want them to in the best interest of the city. Keep in mind. City employees are hired by the City Administration. If you do not like what some city employees are doing and would like  them investigated  you have to VOTE to get in Councilmen,  and a Mayor who will do that. On the other hand, If you are absolutely ok with the city Government the way it is then VOTE to keep the trend going.

Rumor # 16.
I don't know if Gayle was actually told what she can and a can not publish but I believe in freedom of the press. I do not believe in malicious lies , slander and name calling. I was at the meeting on Monday. I picked up her latest edition of the tribune with an article by her on  BARTLETT ADOPTS BUDGET, LOWER TAX RATE. I read through the article and found it an accurate account but missing many key elements.
The budget was adapted amid citizen outcry for an account of actual expenditures and questions. Citizens were told they could request an account of actual expenditures for the current year (of course you would not get it until the new budget had been passed). Citizens were also told based on the actual expenditures for FY 2013/2014 an amendment can be approved by city council to amend the budget they just approved on Monday Sept 8th. Once again, the end result of the budget is in the hands of  City Hall with the citizens of Bartlett having nothing to say about it. Why is that? Council members are elected to  be your voice in City government. How did this process get like this? Yes it is awesome the budget  for FY 2014/2015 is PROPOSED lower( that remains to be seen)but it would have dispelled several rumors( #1, ##, 5, # 13, #14, and #15) had the city allowed citizens access to actual expenditures prior to the meeting. I, as a citizen would liked to have had an actual account of what the city has spent on all items as I sat in the Budget workshop. At the end of the day no one knows what the Budget proposal for FY 2014/2015 will be  since the checks and balances required by citizens are not in place. Let us keep a watch on this and see what happens. What is the plan for the PROPOSED surplus of funds?

Gayle also did not print anything on a major safety hazard in the City of Bartlett. This a safety hazard for Residents and Visitors. There was a discussion on the lack of an enforceable ordinance for animal control. City administration is on top of this and looking for ways to re-solve this issue. At this point anyone in or visiting Bartlett can be attacked by a rabid, stray or violent animal and  the city's  hands are tied to assist. There is no place to house the animal until ownership/stray status is confirmed, no officers to pick up or remove a threatening animal, if bitten you are on your own. But if you shoot an animal attacking you  will be fined for discharging a fire arm in the city limits. What ever happened to "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness?. According to the budget proposal written about by Gayle there is a $69,000.00 surplus. Lets ask our elected officials to plan for animal control with some of that money plus funds  from animal registration and volunteerism. I am told there is a current ordinance for animal control but it is unenforceable???. I need to see it.
I am in favor of owners being responsible for the behaviors of their pets. Hence a registration tax.

I will address rumors with facts several times a week. Please add in your Fact Based entries to these rumors. All of the rumors have some bases in Fact but just how much fact there is remains to be seen.
What is important, is how these issues decrease the  ability of citizens to trust city government and  makes  outsiders wonder. Also if there is any criminal activity it should be brought to the proper authorities. These rumors that have existed long before I  knew there was a town named Bartlett in Texas. As with any rumor, if it is said enough and to the right people it becomes fact. Those often distorted facts are passed on to all who  enter the city. Please assist me in looking into the validity of these rumors.

Will the citizens of Bartlett agree to a  animal registration fee .
Situation: Current ordinance for animal control is loosely enforced because the city does not have a place to house/hold animals, they cannot determine if the animal is stray or owned, and there is no way of contacting the owner if the animal has no tags. Also owner cannot be held responsible for the actions of their pet if the pet is not registered/claimed.
Background. Several citizens have been attacked by animals. The issue of strays is a problem.
Assessment: Bartlett is a pet friendly town. However unknown animals can be a danger as their health is not known.  Revenue from  pet registration could be used with some surplus city funds to house animals until a disposition can be made and to train a volunteer animal control officer.
Recommendation: Citizens approach Council members to discuss this on the agenda.

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