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Monday, September 26, 2016

City Councilwoman Hall

I ran for a seat on City Council in May 2016. There were three seats available  including one incumbent seat. One longtime Bartlett resident won by numbers. The other two positions were  very close. One position became the subject of a recall. I won that position with the Mayor sitting in the recount with me. Initially, after we were sworn in, I followed the Mayor's agenda.
I stood up for him against other Councilmembers and citizens. I backed his play until I could no longer deny the preponderance  of evidence detailing his plans for Bartlett were not in the best interest of the citizens.

I am told by many citizens that people do not get involved with local politics or attend city council meetings because "The Mayor and all Councilmembers have their own agenda". I did not grow up in Bartlett and I have lived here for only 32months. I am not a part of any entitlement  group, or a group with plans to right every perceived wrong that has been committed by previous local administrations up to 20 years ago.

My Agenda  is clear and measurable. 
  • A community  centered government.
  •  A government  for the people, with their input on issues and concerns that will affect their lives for decades to come. Issues that will affect the city's infrastructures long after God calls me home.
  • Being committed to issues that affect investing in Bartlett, rebuilding Bartlett, and being proud to call Bartlett home.
  •  Establishing committees as joint ventures bt city council and residents to work on issues that affect the city daily, including a review board for citizen concerns after discussions with City Administration have proved ineffective.
  • Keeping the public informed of what is happening in  our city.
  • Create  an alliance with area organizations, businesses, BISD and area churches to bring our city even closer together as we reveal our united coalition. Clearly, we will proceed and achieve our goals.
  • Research loans and grants that local citizens can apply for to fix their homes. (date for seminar with rural development specialists pending)
  • Research other cities our size to find out what sets them apart in a positive way. Bring that information back to Bartlett's City Council.
  • Work with other city council members to bring business into our area.
  • Work on a more effective way of notifying citizens of  safety hazards in the area.
Absolutely nothing on this list cannot be done with  dedicated City  Officials and City Administration.
As a Councilwoman, I stand on the agenda item and will support all councilmembers as they vote on each agenda item asking themselves how their vote will affect the entire community, are resources available if needed for that issue, if personal gain will dictate their vote, and how does their vote help to rebuild and  restore  Bartlett?

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